kali ini saya mau membagikan beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa inggris singkat tema menawarkan (offering), mudah-mudahan bisa membantu teman-teman yang sedang mencari percakapan bahasa inggris tentang tema ini.
John: Hi, can I help you with anything?(Hai, ada yang bisa saya bantu?)
Mary: Oh, hi. Actually, yes, I'm a bit lost. I'm looking for the nearest post office.(Oh, hai. Sebenarnya, ya, saya agak tersesat. Saya mencari kantor pos terdekat.)
John: Sure, I can help you with that. Do you have a smartphone? We can use Google Maps to find it.(Tentu, saya bisa bantu. Kamu punya smartphone? Kita bisa menggunakan Google Maps untuk menemukannya.)
Mary: Yes, I have one. That would be great, thank you so much.(Ya, saya punya. Itu akan sangat bagus, terima kasih banyak.)
John: No problem. Let me show you. Here, this is the post office on the map. It's only a few blocks away.(Tidak masalah. Mari ku tunjukkan. Disini, ini adalah kantor pos di peta. Ini hanya beberapa blok jauhnya.)
Mary: That's perfect. Thanks again for your help!(Itu sempurna. Sekali lagi terima kasih atas bantuanmu!)
John: You're welcome. Have a nice day!(Terima kasih kembali. Semoga harimu menyenangkan!)
Sarah: Hi there, can I interest you in trying out our new skincare?(Halo, bisakah saya nawarin untuk nyoba skincare baru kami?)
Emily: Oh, I'm not sure. I'm pretty loyal to my current brand.(Oh, saya tidak yakin. Saya cukup loyal dengan produk saya saat ini.)
Sarah: I understand, but our products are made with natural ingredients and have been getting rave reviews.(Saya mengerti, tetapi produk kami dibuat dengan bahan-bahan alami dan mendapat review yang baik.)
Emily: That does sound interesting. What makes your products different from others on the market?(Kedengarannya menarik. Apa yang membuat produk kalian berbeda dari yang lain di pasaran?)
Sarah: Well, we use a combination of herbal extracts and essential oils that are carefully selected for their benefits to the skin. Plus, our products are cruelty-free and eco-friendly.(Ya, kami menggunakan kombinasi ekstrak herbal dan minyak esensial yang dipilih dengan cermat karena manfaatnya bagi kulit. Selain itu, produk kami bebas dari perusakan dan ramah lingkungan.)
Emily: That does sound good. Maybe I'll give it a try.(Kedengarannya bagus. Mungkin saya akan mencobanya.)
Sarah: Great! Our starter kit is a great way to try out the products without committing to a full-sized purchase. Would you like me to show you?(Mantap! Starter kit kami bisa dicoba tanpa melakukan pembelian ukuran penuh. Apa mau saya tunjukkan?)
Emily: Yes, please. Thank you for your help.(Ya, silakan. Terima kasih untuk bantuannya.)
Sarah: You're welcome. Let me grab a kit for you to check out.(Sama-sama. Biarkan saya mengambil kitnya.)
Andi: Hey, are you interested in going to the concert tonight?(Hei, mau pergi ke konser gak malam ini?)
Bella: Yeah, I'd love to, but I'm not sure if I can afford it.(Ya, mau banget, tapi aku gak yakin mampu beli tiketnya.)
Andi: Well, I have an extra ticket. I can give it to you if you want.(Gpp, aku punya satu tiket lebih. Aku bisa kasih ke kamu kalo kamu mau)
Bella: Really? That's so kind of you! How much do you want for it?(Serius? Kamu baik sekali! Berapa duit untuk itu?)
Andi: Oh, don't worry about it. It's my treat.(Oh, jangan khawatir, ini pemberian saya)
Bella: Wow, thanks a lot! I really appreciate it.(Wow, terimakasih banyak! Aku sangat menghargainya)
Andi: No problem at all. I'm just glad we can enjoy the concert together. (Enggak masalah. Aku senang kita bisa menikmati konser bersama)
Axel: Would you like some help carrying those boxes?(Mau aku bantu bawain kotak-kotak itu?)
Clay: Oh, that would be great, thanks!(Oh, itu bagus, terimakasih!)
Axel: No problem, happy to help. Where do you need them taken?(Enggak apa-apa, senang membantu. Kemana kita bawa?)
Clay: Just to the car in the parking lot.(Hanya ke parkiran mobil)
Axel: Okay, let me grab those for you. Is there anything else you need help with?(Oke, mari aku bawakan untukmu. Ada lain yang perlu dibantuin?)
Clay: Actually, I do have a few more things to move. Are you sure you don't mind?(Sebenarnya, aku punya beberapa barang lagi untuk dipindahkan. Kamu yakin enggak repotin?)
Axel: Of course not, I'm happy to lend a hand. Lead the way.(Enggak dong, aku senang membantu. Tunjukkan arahnya)
Jack: Hi, would you like some coffee?(Hi, mau kopi?)
Anya: Oh, that's very kind of you, thank you. But I don't drink coffee.(Oh, baik banget, makasih. Tapi aku gak minum kopi)
Jack: No problem, how about some tea instead? I have a variety of flavors.(Enggak apa-apa, kalau the gimana? Aku punya banyak rasa)
Anya: Actually, tea sounds perfect. I would love that. Thank you.(Hmmm, teh ok. Aku suka the. Makasih.)
Jack: You're welcome. Is there any particular flavor you prefer?
(Sama-sama. Kamu mau rasa yang mana?)
Anya: Do you have any chamomile?(Apa kamu punya rasa kamomil?)
Jack: Yes, I do. I'll make you a cup right now. Do you take sugar or milk in your tea?(Ya, aku punya. Aku buatkan sekarang. Mau aku tambahkan gula atau susu?)
Anya: No, just plain is fine. Thank you again for offering.(Enggak, original saja. Makasih sehali lagi sudah menawarkan)
Jack: My pleasure. Let me know if you need anything else.(Dengan senang hati. Kasi tau kalau kamu perlu sesuatu lain)
Anggi: Hey, I'm heading to the grocery store. Do you need anything?
(Hei, aku mau ke supermarket, kamu ada perlu apa?)
Hadid: Actually, I do need a few things. Thank you for offering!(Sebenarnya, aku butuh beberapa benda. Makasih sudah menawarkan!)
Anggi: No problem, happy to help. What do you need?(Tidak masalah, senang membantu. Apa yang kamu butuhkan?)
Hadid: Can you pick up a gallon of milk, some eggs, and a loaf of bread?(Bisakah beli satu galo susu, beberapa telur, dan sepotong roti)
Anggi: Sure thing. Is there a particular brand of milk or bread you prefer?(Oke. Apa ada merek spedifik dari susu atau roti yang kamu mau?)
Hadid: Just the store brand is fine. And can you get large eggs, please?(Merek apa saja boleh. Dan tolong telur yang ukuran besar yaa?)
Anggi: Got it. Anything else?(Oke, lain?)
Hadid: No, that's it. Thank you so much!(Enggak, itu saja. Terimakasih banyak!)
Anggi: It's my pleasure. I'll be back in a little while with your groceries.(Dengan senang hati. Aku kembali sebentar lagi dengan titipan kamu)
Alex: Hi, are you interested in buying this bike?(Hai, kamu minat untuk beli sepeda ini?)
Bian: Hmm, I'm not sure. Can you tell me more about it?
(Hmm, aku gak yakin. Bisa jelasin lebih detail?)
Alex: Sure, it's a mountain bike with a lightweight aluminum frame and front suspension. It's perfect for off-road trails and rough terrain.
(Ya, ini sepeda gunung dengan rangka aluminium ringan juga suspensi depan, bagus untuk jalur off-road dan medan kasar)
Bian: That sounds interesting. How much are you asking for it?(Menarik. Berapa duit?)
Alex: I'm willing to sell it for $500. But if that's too much, I'm open to negotiation.(Aku jual $500. Tapi kalau kemahalan, bisa nego)
Bian: Okay, I think I might be interested. Can I take it for a test ride?(Oke, aku tertarik. Bisa aku tes?)
Alex: Of course! Let me get it ready for you.(Tentu! Biar saya siapkan dulu)
Amel: Hey, I brought some extra cookies today. Would you like one?(Hei, aku bawa kue lebih hari ini, kamu mau?)
Bella: Oh, thanks! They look delicious. What kind are they?(Oh, makasih! Nampaknya enak. Kue apa ini?)
Amel: They're chocolate chip. I made them last night.(Kue coklat, aku buat semalam)
Bella: Wow, you're so talented. Can I have one more?(Wow, kamu pandai, boleh aku ambil lagi?)
Amel: Absolutely. I have plenty to share.(Tentu. Aku punya banyak untuk dibagi)
Bella: That's really kind of you. Can I repay you somehow?(Baik banget, bisa aku bayar?)
Amel: No need to repay me. I'm just happy to share my baking with others.(Enggak perlu, aku senang bisa bagiin hasil masakanku)
Bella: Well, thank you. I really appreciate it.(Oke, makasih banyak, aku hargai itu)
Amelia: Hey, do you need a ride to the concert tonight?(Hei, apa kamu butuh tumangan ke konser malam ini?)
Bianca: Actually, I was just trying to figure out how to get there. Do you have seat for me?(Sebenarnya aku baru mikirin untuk kesana. Apa kamu punya tumpangan kosong untukku?)
Amelia: Yeah, I do. I'm driving my car and I have an extra seat. (Ya, aku bawa mobil dan tumpangan masih kosong)
Bianca: That's awesome! What time are you planning to leave?(Mantap! Jam berapa kamu berangkat?)
Amelia: I was thinking of leaving around 6:30 pm to beat the traffic.(Aku berencana berangkat jam 6:30 untuk menghindari macet)
Bianca: Yeah, that sounds perfect. Thank you so much for offering!(Ya, bisa itu, makasih banyak sudah menawarkan!)
Amelia: I'll pick you up at your place at 6:30 pm sharp.(Aku akan jemput kamu jam 6:30 tepat)
Bianca: I’ll be raeady. Thanks again!(Aku siap, makasih banyak)
Amanda: Hey, do you need an umbrella? It looks like it might rain soon.(Hei, kamu perlu payung gak? Agaknya hujan sebentar lagi)
Nediiem: Oh, I didn't even notice the clouds. Thanks for offering. Do you have an extra one?(Oh, aku bahkan gak merhatiin awan, makasih sudah nawarin, kamu punya lebih?)
Amanda: Yeah, I always keep a spare in my bag. Here you go.(Ya, aku selalu siapin di tas, ini untukmu)
Nediiem: Thank you so much! That's really kind of you.(Makasih banyak! Kamu baik banget)
Amanda: No problem at all. I don't want you to get soaked on your way home.(Enggak apa-apa. Biar kamu gak basah kuyup saat pulang)
Nediiem: I really appreciate it. How can I return it to you?(Aku hargai banget, gimana aku balikin nanti?)
Amanda: Don't worry about it. You can just give it back to me next time you see me.(Gak usah khawatir. Kamu bisa kasih aku waktu kita jumpa lagi)
Nediiem: Okay, I'll make sure to remember. Thanks again!(Oke, aku harus ingat, makasih ya!)
_ _ _ _ _
Oke cukup segitu dulu teman-teman untuk contoh percakapannya, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat! Sampai jumpa lain waktu. . .
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